This week’s CBD drinks product review and up this time we have the amazing CBD infused coffees from Cheerful Buddah.
Cheerful Buddah are a United Kingdom based company founded in 2019 who provide a range of high quality CBD infused products such as their CBD infused coffee, CBD infused chocolate bars, CBD drops.
They also produce a range of Superfood products such as their Medicinal Mushroom (Reishi, Chaga, Lion’s Mane) infused coffees and lattes for health and well-being.
This is going to be another double product review post, as I will be reviewing both Cheerful Buddah’s CBD Colombian ground blend and their decaffeinated single origin Guatemala coffee.
Cheerful Buddah describe their CBD Colombian coffee as:
Our 100% natural, Colombian blend CBD Infused coffee is incredibly smooth and delicious.
Naturally infusing CBD into coffee, creates an effortless way of including CBD into a daily routine.
Made using Rainforest Alliance Certified luxury arabica ground beans.
Cheerful Buddah describe their decaffeinated single origin Guatemala coffee as:
At Cheerful Buddha we source only the finest quality, single origin Guatemalan green beans, with an irresistible taste and fascinating aroma.
This roast uses certified, Swiss Water processed beans, a natural, chemical-free method of decaffeination.
Cheerful Buddah’s CBD Infused Decaffeinated Single Origin Guatemala Coffee
Cup of Cheerful Buddah’s CBD Infused Decaffeinated Single Origin Guatemala Coffee With A Splash Of Milk!
The CBD Blogger Review
Firstly I would like to start off the review by saying many thanks to Cheerful Buddah for generously gifting us samples of their amazing CBD products to review here at The CBD Blog.
I recently reviewed Cheerful Buddah’s very tasty Handcrafted Bean to Bar CBD Infused Orange 70% Dark Chocolate Bar., which made for a delicious CBD infused edible.
A few squares of the CBD infused chocolate goes amazing with their CBD infused coffees!
I figure what better place to start with our review than the great taste and flavour of Cheerful Buddah’s CBD infused coffee blends.
Taste & Flavour:
Cheerful Buddah’s Colombian and Single Origin Guatemala blends are some of the most aromatic, fragrant and flavourful coffees that I have had the pleasure of sampling to date.
I usually drink my coffee black with no milk, but both varieties of coffee have a very delicate, velvety texture and go great with a splash of milk, as you can see from my pictures.
As a lover of caffeine, I never usually go with decaffeinated coffee and I’ve also never come across a decaffeinated coffee to date until Cheerful Buddah that was worth the effort.
However, the Single Origin from Cheerful Buddah is absolutely amazing, especially coupled with the inclusion of CBD, which goes amazing with the decaffeinated nature.
I usually prefer the stronger, darker coffee blends such as from Colombia, but personally for me the Single Origin Guatemala CBD coffee wins it overall for flavour.
One of the nicest tasting coffee’s I have come across, definitely one to beat for taste.
Great effect from both of Cheerful Buddah’s CBD infused coffee blends.
For 10mg of CBD per 10 gram of ground coffee, they have a very effective, relaxing, calming, typical anti-anxiety classic CBD effect.
I’m a huge fan of CBD infused beverages when they work and in this case even with a high tolerance to CBD/cannabinoids, I can feel the relaxing CBD effect start to build very quickly after a few sips.
The Colombian blend contains caffeine and I find the inclusion of CBD really helps to smoothen out and balance the stimulating nature of the caffeine.
Great choice of coffee for those who are sensitive to caffeine due to anxiety etc. Plus the inclusion of CBD helps with its anti-anxiety and “nervine” properties.
Or you can choose Cheerful Buddah’s decaffeinated Single Origin Guatemala coffee, which of course is caffeine free and coupled with the CBD infusion, really makes for a nice relaxing cuppa.
Perfect if you enjoy a cup of coffee close to bed time.
Definitely the most potent CBD infused ground coffee’s for effect that I have reviewed here at THECBDBLOG.CO.UK
I’m extremely impressed with Cheerful Buddah’s range of CBD infused coffee blends.
I’ve sampled quite a few different brands of CBD coffee now and Cheerful Buddah’s has definitely been the tastiest and highest qualiity I have had the pleasure of reviewing to date.
Really nice tasting coffee blends before we get to the bonus of it being infused with CBD.
Very well priced at £9.99 per 100g ground coffee. You only need about a heaped teaspoon per cup, so a pack lasts a good while.
I would highly recommend Cheerful Buddah’s CBD infused coffee’s for all the coffee and CBD fans out there.
£9.99 per 100g ground pack
CBD Content:
10g of coffee contains approx. 10mg CBD.
This product contains non-detectable levels of THC (defined as less than 0.01%).
Colombian Blend (Ground):
100g Roasted Coffee, 900mg MCT Coconut oil and 100mg Hemp-derived CBD.
Decaffeinated Single Origin Guatemala (Ground):
100g Roasted Coffee, 900mg MCT Coconut oil and 100mg Hemp-derived CBD.
Where To Purchase
For more information or to purchase check out Cheerful Buddah at: Cheerful Buddah
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