We are back with more CBD product reviews this week and up this time we have the 63% Broad Spectrum CBD Disposable Vape Pens from Area 51 CBD Lab.
Area 51 CBD Lab are a newcomer to the United Kingdom CBD scene recently just launched in May 2023.
They are an online retailer of premium Hemp/CBD products with a wide range including CBD Oils, CBD Raw Pastes, CBD Extracts, CBD Vape Carts, CBD Bath Bombs, CBD Infused Chocolate Bars, CBD Gummies, CBD Medicinal Mushroom Supplements and much more.
Their CBD Disposable Vapes are made with the highest quality 63% Broad Spectrum Crystal Resistant CBD Distillate and infused real Cannabis derived terpenes sourced from California.
Area 51 CBD Lab’s Disposable CBD Vape Pen range comes in five tasty terpene profiles including Alien OG Kush, Strawberry Diesel, Moroccan Gold, Gush Mintz and Master Kush.
The CBD Blogger Review
This post is going to be a triple flavour review, as I’m covering three different terpene profiles with the Alien OG Kush, Moroccan Gold (Hash) and Gush Mintz.
What better place to start off the review than with the awesome packaging.
The Area 51 CBD Lab Disposable Vape Pens come packaged in a branded box complete with logo and a sticker for the strain profile.
The 63% Broad Spectrum Disposable Vape Pens are about 3.5″ in length I would guess and have a very sleek, smooth and compact design.
I’m not sure if its the style of the mouthpiece, but these disposable vape pens have an extremely smooth pull and inhale to them compared to many other CBD vape pens with real cannabis derived terpenes.
Infact these 63% Broad Spectrum CBD Vape Pens from Area 51 CBD Lab might be one, if not the smoothest CBD vape product I have reviewed to date.
No tickly cough or minimal throat irritation for those who require a smoother CBD vape experience.
Taste & Flavour:
Area 51 CBD Lab’s 63% Broad Spectrum CBD Disposable Vape Pens are infused with real Cannabis derived terpenes.
The three flavours I had the most experience with sampling were the Alien OG Kush, Moroccan Gold and the Gush Mintz.
All three terpene profiles have an intensely rich, authentic hashy cannabis flavour.
Each inhale almost tastes like a hit of quality hashish or soft black hash in many ways.
The Alien OG was definitely my favorite terpene profile of the three and probably has the strongest flavour out of those sampled. Very nice, authentic skunky cannabis terps.
The Gush Mintz I would say was my second choice of flavour, and in many ways was quite similar to the Alien OG with the skunky cannabis and hashy terpenes, but also a little bit of mint and menthol coming through in the taste.
Finally, we have the “Moroccan Gold” which was derived from real Moroccan hashish. Very rich, hashy, cannabis terps on this one once again.
Really nice flavours overall, I’m a huge fan of real Cannabis derived terpenes for enhancing CBD vape products and enjoy the authentic hashy flavour they provide.
Next up what better place than the awesome effect these 63% Broad Spectrum Disposable CBD Vape Pens provide from Area 51 CBD Lab.
For 63% CBD content these disposable vape pens pack a potent punch.
I find one to two small hits provides a nice relaxing, sedating, heavy-eyed Indica CBD effect.
Great for chilling out at night in particular, due to the Indica dominant calming properties.
You can really feel the heavy-eyes building in the classic Indica way.
The CBD used also has a really good health promoting and anti-anxiety effect I found personally, a couple of vapes is all I require to counter my health symptoms and manage anxiety.
I really enjoyed reviewing these three flavours of 63% Broad Spectrum CBD Disposable Vape Pen from Area 51 CBD Lab.
If you enjoy authentic, hashy, cannabis terpenes, whilst requiring a smooth vape for those with sensitive throats or lungs, then this is definitely one of the best choices as far as smoothness goes.
The effect is also very dependable and a single disposable vape pen lasted me months of daily usage.
Area 51 CBD Lab have a wide range of CBD products, so definitely head on over and check out their online shop at the links below.
Broad Spectrum CBD Extract, Real Cannabis Derived Terpenes
Where To Purchase
To purchase Area 51 CBD Lab’s 63% Broad Spectrum CBD Disposable Vape Pens and other products, visit their Official website at: CBD Oil UK
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