This week’s Hemp CBD product review and up this time we have the Heisenberg flavour 200mg CBD E-Liquid from CBD Britanicare.
CBD Britanicare are a United Kingdom based retailer of premium Hemp and CBD products with a huge range including CBD oils, CBD Capsules, CBD e-liquids, CBD infused hemp teas and many others.
Their CBD E-Liquids come in a range of different flavours including Blu Slush, Gorilla Glue #4, Menthol, OG Kush, Sour Diesel, Blue Cheese, Strawberry Dream and Heisenberg.
The CBD E-Liquids come in a 10 ml tamper proof bottle.
Contains no THC & Nicotine.
Diacetyl free and quality controlled.
The CBD Blogger Review
Firstly I would like to start off by once again saying many thanks to CBD Britanicare for generously gifting us some samples of their products for reviewing on the blog.
This was my first time trying CBD Britanicare’s E-Liquids and I think to the best of my knowledge it may even be the first CBD E-liquid we have reviewed since starting our new website here at The CBD Blog.
Although I’m no stranger to CBD E-Liquids in general, I have tried many of the common brands since coming out in the market several years ago, so I feel I have a good gauge on what I like in a CBD E-Liquid.
Heisenberg was actually the first flavour of CBD E-Liquid I ever tried many years ago from a different retailer, so the taste and flavour holds good nostalgic memories of my first introduction to the benefits of Cannabidiol and vaping CBD.
Taste & Flavours:
The Heisenberg CBD E-Liquid has a great taste and what I’d describe as an icy frosty flavour.
Heisenberg is a good choice of CBD E-Liquid flavour for all day vaping, as I find it doesn’t get boring or sickly in taste with intensive vaping as some E-Liquid flavours can do.
Great flavours overall. The Heisenberg has what I’d describe as a similar icy frosty sensation to menthol, but is much nicer and more rounded in taste overall in my opinion. Its one of my favorite E-Liquid juice flavours.
The effect of the 200mg CBD-Eliquid was excellent as I hoped and what I would describe as the perfect strength of CBD for all day vaping purposes.
200mg seems to be the perfect sweet spot dosage of CBD Isolate based e-liquids for myself, higher dosages I find can be too tiring for vaping lots during the day and can render me unfunctional at times.
So its nice to find the perfect balance of CBD strength in an e-liquid format and one that I can vape lots over the day, whilst still leaving me functional to work and get around.
I find CBD Isolate based E-Liquids tend to be very reliable for providing a good solid CBD effect, a nice instantaneous calming and anti-anxiety effect when it is vaped and a 10ml bottle can last me ages, so its an extremely economical way for medicating CBD also.
Overall I really enjoyed the Heisenberg flavour 200mg CBD E-Liquid from CBD Britanicare and would recommend it for anyone looking for a quality CBD Isolate based vape juice.
Hopefully I will be able to review some of their other CBD E-Liquid flavours in the future on our blog, their cannabis inspired flavours such as OG Kush, Sour Diesel and Blue Cheese, I am currently eyeing up.
We also have another product review for CBD Britanicare’s 150mg CBD & Hemp Tea Infused with Elderberry, Rosehip & Hibiscus coming soon on the blog, which is another great product and would recommend.
Vegetable Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, CBD Isolate
Where To Purchase
For more information or to purchase check out CBD Britanicare at: CBD Britanicare
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