This week’s vaporizer product review, and up this time we have the PowerDab Kit tool from CBDLife.
CBDLife are a United Kingdom based CBD brand with a wide range of products including CBD Oils, CBD Gummies, CBD Extracts, CBD Topical products and much more.
I purchased the PowerDab kit vape from CBDLife in their recent sale for a bargain price of just £15.00. (Normal Price – £49.95).
Unfortunately, I learned that CBDLife plan to discontinue the PowerDab Kit tool once they clear the last of their stock, which is abit of a shame as I really rated this little portable concentrate friendly vaporizer.
CBDLife describe their PowerDab kit as:
This kit is the best and most versatile way to vaporise concentrates/waxes/crumbles.
With a huge 40W of power to use it has more than enough for any of the many coil attachments available.
This device can be used discreetly with just the concentrate atomiser or add one of the water adapters to enhance the experience.
CBDLife’s PowerDab Kit Tool and some of Area 51 CBD Lab tasty Lemon Fizzy Chew CBD Shatter
The CBD Blogger Review
I had been eyeing up the PowerDab kit for well over one to two years now on CBDLife’s website after previously purchasing their dab vaporizer pen.
CBDLife’s dab vaporizer pen was one of my first introductions to a vape that was extract/concentrate friendly.
However, due to money constraints, I never managed to get around to purchasing the PowerDab kit when it was at the full price of £49.95.
Recently, whilst promoting some of their new CBD gummies range, I noticed that they had reduced the PowerDab kit vape tool on sale for just £15.00 and I couldn’t resist picking up one for the price.
I have spent the last month or so now intensely testing and using the PowerDab kit virtually daily to vaporise various extracts from CBD shatters to BHO with excellent results.
The PowerDab kit brings out the flavours of concentrates really well and also packs a potent punch.
The atomiser also smoothens out the harshness of vaping extracts for those whose throat is sensitive, but still like to partake in dabbing/vaporizing concentrates.
Easy To Clean:
One of the things I like the most about the PowerDab kit tool is that I found it’s fairly easy to clean and doesn’t leave much extract residue behind after vaping.
The issue I found previously with various dab type pen vaporizers is that they become encrusted with extracts/concentrates very quickly, mostly because they don’t vaporise properly or evenly.
But the PowerDab kit doesn’t have any of these issues and vapes most concentrates very well.
Some of the oiler extracts do leave a little bit of residue behind, but simply holding the power/heat button down for a few seconds and holding the PowerDab kit tool upside down is usually more than enough to clean off the chamber.
Another great benefit of the PowerDab kit tool is how portable and easy to carry this hand held vaporizer is.
For those who like to vape extracts/concentrates whilst they are out and about, the PowerDab kit vaporizer is a decent portable and fairly cheap option.
If you unscrew the chamber, it’s not all that much bigger than pocket-size and doesn’t weigh too much either.
The PowerDab kit also comes with a decent quality carry case as well.
Overall, the PowerDab Kit tool from CBDLife has been one of the best vaporizer tools I have purchased to date and was an absolute bargain to pick up in the sale for just £15.00.
I should have purchased two of them whilst on sale, so that I had a back up atomiser, but other than that I am really impressed with the PowerDab kit.
It might not be quite dab strength as if you were using a rig, but it’s not far off and it vapes most extracts/concentrates well and brings out the flavour good.
For those looking for a nice introductory vaporizer that is extract and concentrate friendly, I would definitely recommend heading over to CBDLife and snapping up a bargain whilst they still have some stock left.
£15.00 on sale – Normal Price (£49.95)
Power Dab Kit Features:
– 1000mAh 40W variable voltage battery with 510 connection
– Concentrate atomiser with a ceramic mouthpiece
– Two ceramic coils
– Dab tool
– USB charger
– Silicone Lined Dab Container
– Carry Case
Where To Purchase
For more information or to purchase the PowerDab Kit tool, please visit CBDLife official website at: CBDLife PowerDab Kit
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